Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just in from my young ''chicken' in Vatican Square; apparently THIS is the cunt who they have put in my place! FUCK! I do not recognise  this arsehole!  I still remember that stint I did on 'Bullseye'. OK, I may have thrown a few darts a bit to the left of centre, but I put it down to all the essential medication I am on. God bless Jack Daniels!. I swear that I will find that bastard and kick him right in the cassock where the sun don't shine. He must really have something against me. Alright, I admit that set fire to his robe in the Bar Del Fico and it burned his ringpiece but I thought that we were all brothers together! 

I have lost all faith in my fellow Vats.  Those bastards will have to pay for all of my porn stash which they burned.  It seems that all they care about is Dart board scores.  Fuckem.


KJ said...

You need one of those 'follow' button thingies.... I cannae follow you. :(

His Holiness said...

WHAA? I may need to update the whole thing! I will see to it Mrs.

KJ said...

Yay!!! You did it! x

His Holiness said...

Everything is possible under our Lord's guidance! (the bloke who runs the off licence showed me how to do it)