Saturday, May 12, 2007


A bloke and his missus are in bed and the bloke lets out a fart. "One nil!" yells the bloke. Not to be out done, two minutes later the woman lets one rip. "One all!" she squeals. Realising that he faces competition the bloke blows another ripper. "Two one!" he screams with delight. Seconds later the woman lets go of a blanket raiser. " Two two !" she shouts.
The bloke starts straining for all he is worth to regain the lead. After a couple of minutes he strains so hard that he shits himself. "Err, what was that?" enquires the puzzled woman. Bloke replies, "Half time,now lets change ends!"


Anonymous said...

That was me.

grumpygit said...

Pissed myself, so I stole it for my own page :o)