Thursday, March 21, 2013

Goodbye Voyager!

Re- posted from the Independent...    I bow my head to this little chap, he's gone far beyond what has been asked of him and now he's heading out into the unknown!  What a great bit of kit!

"It is the furthest man-made object in space. It has travelled more than 11 billion miles since it was launched nearly 36 years ago. And now Voyager 1 has boldly gone where no spacecraft has gone before – it has left the outer reaches of the Solar System.
It is the furthest man-made object in space. It has travelled more than 11 billion miles since it was launched nearly 36 years ago. And now Voyager 1 has boldly gone where no spacecraft has gone before – it has left the outer reaches of the Solar System.
After several years of debate over whether the Voyager 1 probe, launched in September 1977, has crossed the cosmic-equivalent of the doldrums separating the Solar System from interstellar space, scientists believe the spacecraft has finally travelled beyond the influence of the Sun.
Voyager 1, the second of a pair of twin space probes, was launched in the same year that Elvis died, Donna Summer reached number 1 with “I Feel Love” and the Sex Pistols began to shock the suburbs.
It was originally designed to explore nearby planets but after a string of important discoveries, including the observations of active volcanoes on Jupiter’s moon Io and the rings of Saturn, the Voyager 1 mission was extended. Meanwhile, Voyager 2 went on to the more distant planets of Uranus and Neptune.
Scientists believe that Voyager 1, which was launched after Voyager 2 but has now overtaken it in terms of its distance from the Earth, has left a region of space known as the heliosphere, which is dominated by the stream of energetic particles emanating from the Sun called the solar wind.
Measurements taken on 25 August last year, but published online now in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, reveal that Voyager 1 underwent dramatic changes in its exposure to radiation levels. Scientists said that their measurements changed “suddenly and decisively”.
The anomalous cosmic rays trapped in the outer heliosphere of the Solar System all but vanished – dropping to less than 1 per cent of previous amounts – while galactic cosmic rays from deep space spiked to twice the highest intensities previously seen. Bill Webber, professor of astronomy at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, said the data suggests that Voyager 1 has entered a new region of space that no probe has visited before – a signal that it has finally left the Solar System and is about to enter interstellar space.
“Within just a few days, the heliospheric intensity of trapped radiation decreased, and the cosmic ray intensity went up as you would expect if it had exited the heliosphere,” Professor Webber said. “It’s outside the normal heliosphere. We’re in a new region. Everything we’re measuring is different and exciting,” he said.
The latest results suggest that Voyager 1 has jumped off the “heliocliff”, Professor Webber added, and entered a region where the solar wind blows no more and can no longer protect the space probe from the intense cosmic radiation of deep space.
However, Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist at Caltech in California, said that the probe is still probably within the Solar System. “It is the consensus of the Voyager science team that Voyager 1 has not yet left the Solar System or reached interstellar space…. A change in the direction of the magnetic field is the last critical indicator of reaching interstellar space and that change of direction has not yet been observed.”
Voyager 1 carries a gold-plated copper disc carrying images and sounds from Earth, including greetings in 55 languages and a humpback whale song."

Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Re-posted from Old Knudsen's blog, witty yet so true!

Getting a bit annoyed at the usage of the word 'serious' in the media and with the police. You have the 'Serious crime unit' as opposed to the 'Just messing about mate crime unit' should we not all be agreed that crime is generally a serious thing?
Someone breaking into a garden shed and stealing a lawn mower is pretty serious to the home owner who will be on alert at every little sound and stressed out that their home is not safe.  Will the criminal stop at a lawn mower next time?

I just read the words 'Serious sex assault' in the news. "I'm sorry miss, we can't take your rape seriously as the rapist only open handed slapped you into submission you were not punched, look at her there, she was punched and kicked, now that is serious... you were probably asking for it anyway."

Less of the belittling of events by using the word serious, all crime is serious so lets stamp it out before it becomes more serious.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just in from my young ''chicken' in Vatican Square; apparently THIS is the cunt who they have put in my place! FUCK! I do not recognise  this arsehole!  I still remember that stint I did on 'Bullseye'. OK, I may have thrown a few darts a bit to the left of centre, but I put it down to all the essential medication I am on. God bless Jack Daniels!. I swear that I will find that bastard and kick him right in the cassock where the sun don't shine. He must really have something against me. Alright, I admit that set fire to his robe in the Bar Del Fico and it burned his ringpiece but I thought that we were all brothers together! 

I have lost all faith in my fellow Vats.  Those bastards will have to pay for all of my porn stash which they burned.  It seems that all they care about is Dart board scores.  Fuckem.

THE NEW POPE?  Not this cunt! This is the bastard what shut me in the broom cupboard in the first place! 

SORRY about all the white smoke, people. Nothing to worry about; Cardinal Sin dropped his ganja stash on the fire.  He's fuckin' fuming.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Nothing more to say about this really!

Friday, March 08, 2013

MUCH as I admire all this stuff in the press about my old mate 'Bendydick' resigning, I feel that I have to put you all straight on one or two points. They just shut me in a broom cupboard in one of the back rooms and fed me bread and Ritz crackers to keep me alive. I could have coped with that but the only thing they gave me to drink was fuckin' Coca Cola. OH HOW I hate that shit! It rotted my gums!

1. I never died, those bastards in the Vatican didn't like my 'alternative views' on child care.

2. They brought in Bendydick, who didn't bother to do ANYTHING to help our church's finances, in fact he curtailed a lot of our income by banning the ice cream salesmen from Vatican Square (from which we had a nice bit of financial cream-off)

3. Bendydick, upon my returning to my chambers I had found had got all my old porn stash and cut all the tits off the really horny birds - he must have been some sort of homo

4. All the records of my dealings with our nice Italian family are now just a heap of fuckin' ashes in the fireplace.  What a CUNT! He must have had a friggin' field day burning all that shit, I can only think that it must have been fuckin' cold and he needed to keep warm.  Fuck that, I told those bastards years ago to install central heating but WOULD THEY LISTEN TO ME???

5. Found a heap of newspaper cuttings on the floor pertaining to child abuse.

6. Sorting through the heap, found a photo of my favourite bird and it was stiff with an unknown substance. I'll kill that cunt Bendydick!

RIGHT!  I tell you that I AM BACK!  I AM THE ONE AND ONLY POPE! Ignore all false Gods.......

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The Pontiff Is back! After a very long sabbatical I feel that I am well versed to give you bastards a kick up the arse! (thank you, Father Ted!)