Friday, September 29, 2006

The Pope has a typical Friday night out in Dagenham.

I had this bloke fuckin' came up to me and said " Fuck off cunt." and I said, "Nah you fuck off cunt." and then this woman walked up to us both and said, "YOU FUCKIN' PAIR OF STUPID CUNTS!" Well, I was fucking gob smacked weren't I? So anyhow, this bloke said "Who you calling a stupid pair of cunts you old whore?"
And she replied, "Why you, you fucking thick cunt and him who's wrapped up in a fuckin' sheet, you pair of cunts!"
Well, the next thing I noticed was this fuckin' "copper" coming along and said, "'Ello 'ello 'ello what are you three cunts up to? Causing a fuckin' disturbance eh you fucking cunts?" With that I said, "Don't you call me a cunt you cunt." And the copper replied, "I'll fuckin' arrest you for talking to me like that you fuckin' cunt." The other bloke said, "You can't arrest him for that you cunt." and the copper replied, "YOU CUNT,YOU'RE FUCKIN' NICKED AS WELL." The woman retorted by saying "YOU FUCKIN' CUNT, LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The copper yelled back, "Who you calling a cunt you fuckin' cock sucking slag, FUCK OFF before I nick you as well." So I chimed in with "O.K. you load of cunts calm down and lets sort this out like mature cunts." Well, the copper went fuckin' apeshit by saying, "NOW YOU'RE CALLING ME AN OLD CUNT YOU CUNT, FUCK OFF YOU FUCKIN' CUNT." and he kneed me in the bollocks the cunt. So the other bloke said, "Oy you fuckin' cunt copper,say sorry." The copper replied "What to that cunt you cunt, what do you think I am, some kind of cunt or something?" Well, the woman said, " Typical of the fuckin' old bill, they're all miserable ignorant fuckin' cunts." With that, these yobbo's came along and one of them fuckin' farted, I tell you, some people have no fuckin' manners do they?"


Anonymous said...

different !

Anonymous said...

were the yobbos cunts? Need I ask you cunt.

Anonymous said...

i detect a distinct over-use of the word "SAID" throughout this cunt.

Anonymous said...

you foul mouthed cunts should be censored.

Anonymous said...

Wot cunt said that?

Anonymous said...

well you fucking cunt, who are you to call anybody a cunt you cunt.

Anonymous said...

i love you fucking cunts,coz you know what? I am a cunt.

Anonymous said...

cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt, cunt cunt cunt cunt, cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt, cunt cunt cunt cunt willy !

Anonymous said...

blast you rascals

Anonymous said...

cunts the fuckin' lot of you,cunts cunts cunts cunts

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cunty cunty cunty cunt,
cunty cunty cunt cunt,
cunty cunty cunty cunt,
cunty cunty cunty cunt,
cuntitty cuntitty cuntitty cunt,
cuntitty cuntitty cunt....CUNT!

Anonymous said...