Monday, May 29, 2006

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Older folk.

I detect a distinct smell of piss around here !

The Clergy.

"This old Popemobile has its advantages I suppose !" says J.P.2 whilst on tour of Dagenham recently.

The Afterlife.

YES, Rose is still blooming as she pushes up the daisies from six feet under the ground !

More Royals.

Zara Phillips with familiar "tag."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

More Queens


Monday, May 22, 2006

Keep fit with the Pontiff.

J.P.2 out for his/her Sunday morning bike ride and as usual he/she is in "Pole position !"


There are a couple of distinct differences in the two pictures, can you spot them?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Albert Padlock.

Miserable old bastard, I bet he stinks of piss !

Porno at the Palace.

I did these rather tasteful pictures to promote my new erotic book, "FUCKINGEM AT BUCKINGHAM."

Binge Drinking.

Here we see J.P.2 and Vatican pal Rob Runcie outside a Chicago bar during a 9 hour bender they went on. Runcie saw two Mongrels mating and got rather turned on.

The Official U.S.A. tour pictures of John Paul2 &The Vaticans.

The top picture shows John Paul stepping off of the tour jet in L.A. but as he steps on to the tarmac tragedy occurs as shown in the lower picture. John Paul had this to say:- "As I stepped onto the tarmac I dropped me fags and the wind blew a gust so strong that one nearly rolled right down the runway, fuck me it was a near miss, I would have been gutted had I lost one. So there I am in the lower picture picking up all me ciggies, I needed one after that little episode to calm me fucking nerves !"


The Vaticans charge into a phone box in pursuit of a half smoked cigarette which had been left in there!

Grammy award for the "Vats"

Pope John Paul 2nd and The Vaticans recieve their "Grammy" award for selling 1,000,000 copies of their album:- "GET YA CASSOCKS UP !"


As it all began.

Would you like your kid to grow up like this ?


Ambulances were sent to Buckingham Palace yesterday when noxious gas fumes were discovered in the billiard room. The queen mother put minds at rest later by saying, "Ooew it was nothing to worry about really, whilst playing snooker I dropped a sneaker and thought nobody would notice."

The "Muvver" confesses.

Pervert ahoy !

The Beast in the picture is Archie Canterbury and he has been identified as the "Phantom rubbing Perv'" of the London Underground system.

Archie boards trains during the rush hour periods and deliberately stands by women and allows the movement of the train to make him rub against his victims thus giving him all manner of sexual kicks. (Dirty lucky bastard.)

Pope launches new band !

Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please welcome on stage, THE PAPALS! (Top, John Paul ,Ringo and George.) They are currently on tour of the U.K. promoting their debut album, "ABBEY ROAD!"

West Ham Nonce.

Here we see a typical West Ham United fan locked in an embrace with an underage "Chicken." (A young boy with a huge knob!")



Friday, May 19, 2006


Having lost his driving licence due to being drunk behind the wheel, J.P.2 decided to get an alternate means of transport. He "mugged" an 8 year old for his skateboard and made off down Streatham High street with a number of other street corner bums.

The Phantom arse pincher of old Manchester town.

Pervert pensioner Percy Sugden stealthily crouches behind two old "knicker pissers" before pinching their arses and disappearing before they could say, "Do it again please !" Police charges are expected to follow.


J.P.2 falls into a drunken slumber whilst listening to another Asian making a case for obtaining a British passport.

Porn in The Vatican.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Royal Alcohol abuse !

Royal Porn.

Zara Phillips displays her "Jugs" beautifully in a Berlin bar yesterday.


This man wrecks toilets.

Rock review.

J.P.2 got a little peeved with the Stray Vats drummer "Sticks" Harty whilst recording their new album, "HI-JINX IN THE LITTLE CARDINALS ROOM" last week and decided to put down his Bass Guitar and lay down the drum track for "Rock with the Pontiff" himself.
J.P.2 said later:- "Sticks" is a perfectly competent cun.. I mean drummer but he couldn't get his bonce around playing the parradiddles and it was getting near pub opening time so I drummed the fucker myself."
What a man !

The Royal Fancy Dress Party 2006.

Pissed again !


Hollywood legend Joan Crawford, (seen in the larger picture) with long lost "Love child." (Inset picture.)

Nicotine News.

Popes warning to his old "Floozies."

John Paul 2 tells it as it is, "Come into my little boudior and have a session with me and your boobs may well explode !" The mind boggles.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006



"I like fags man."

Pope Bendydick in sudden outburst !

"On my bended knees I beg all of you Raghead cunts to FUCK OFF AND DIE !"