Sunday, November 24, 2013

WELL I have to say that the new world media have drowned my protests against them.  I have complained and complained about this but they continually drown out my protests. They have even spread the rumour around that I am dead!  THE FUCKIN' BASTARDS! Who can you trust if those around you are working against you? I tell you, myself and JP2  are still alive...  they are keeping us shut up in a basement in the Vatican.  As I said to this poor bearded bloke who I only know as Osama.. "What the fuck is going on? When will they let us out?"   Poor Mr Osama said " They think I am dead".

Well that may be a falsehood.  Mr Osama was 'taken' away this morning for a breakfast with some nice people who wanted only to speak with him about his involvement with the CIA who funded his little group and wanted to know where the funds had gone.  A little bit like Father Ted where the funds were 'Just resting in his account'  or so you could imagine.

Nice people, these CIA blokes.
As Mother Teresa says... 
Jesus said love one another. He didn't say love the whole world. Or even this cunt.
