Monday, April 28, 2008

Boxing news.

The African boxer Mongo Wogchops has successfully returned to the ring having lost both legs in a car accident last year. His pro record now stands at 10 wins without defeet!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A fishy story.....

Paddys wife has a tattoo of a sea shell on top of her thigh. Paddy says, "It's amazing, if you put your ear to it you can actually smell the sea!"

The Parrot

A woman looks in a pet shop window and see's a sign saying, "Parrot £200:00, Parrot £100:00, Parrot £15:00." Woman enquires,"Why is that one only £15:00?" Shopkeeper replies, "Oh, he used to live in a brothel and can be crude." Woman finds that funny and buys the £15:00 parrot. She gets him home and he squawks, "Fuck me it's a new brothel!" Woman laughs. Her 2 daughters walk in and the parrot squaks, "Oh fuck me, here's two new prostitutes!" The woman and the girls roar with laughter. The womans husband walks in and the parrot squawks, "Fuck me Keith, I haven't seen you for a couple of weeks!"

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Gordon Brown goes for Ruby!

Gordon Brown seen here leaving the "Dehli Delight" Indian Restaurant recently, it looks like he had a Phall!

Dumb and Dumber?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Words of wisdom from Seamus O' Connor

Tee shirts that should have been printed.

Mrs Thatcher at home

Paddy bird mania.

Paddy girl believes that her boyfriend is two timing her so she gets a gun and bursts into his flat. She finds him in a passionate embrace with a mystery buxom blonde. She points the gun at her own head. The boyfriend yells "No, darling don't do it!" Paddy girl replies, "You can shut the fuck up because you're next!"

Essex girls

Two Essex girls walking down the street one day and one notices an expensive compact on the footpath. She opens it up and looks in the mirror then sighs, " Hmmm, this person looks familiar!" The second girl says, "Here, let me have a look." So the first girl hands her the compact. The second girl looks at it and shouts, "You stupid bitch, it's me!"

Paddy Joke

What did the Irish girl say to her doctor when he told her she was pregnant?

"Is it mine?"

Monday, April 07, 2008


Take a couple of moments staring at this vile picture and you will be in danger of contracting various killer illness's. To prevent this from happening all you have to do is spit at the picture as soon as you see it and you will be safe until your next viewing!

Friday, April 04, 2008

In the beginning there was.....

A Vile old cunt.

And then there were.......

Two vile old cunts!


See this hilarious new movie which tells the gripping story of Sid James catching cancer, or, did cancer catch Sid? See it at a morgue near you now!