Friday, August 24, 2007

What a bunch of wankers !

Me and the wife were driving back from a short break in North Devon today and encountered a 2 and half hour traffic jam on the M5 around the A38 Taunton turn off. Eventually, there was an electrified sign telling us that the inside and middle lanes were closed and that we must move into the outside lane. As we finally did so in the scorching midday sun we came across three wankers on the back of a lorry with the flashing arrow board who were supposed to be coning off these two inside and middle lanes but instead were finding it a bit of a laugh at the chaos they had caused and were throwing the cones about, one was kicking a ball but justice was done when four bikers rode up on Harley's and yelled, " You brainless cunts don't know what you are doing!" Full marks to the Harley boys from me here.
However, what cunt from the transport agency choses the busiest weekend of the year on one of our busiest roads to carry out fucking road works? That brainless cunt also doesn't know what he's doing, or she as the case maybe.
I have no idea who the Guys were on the bikes but as usual they summed the situation up in one sentence. Well done lads whoever you are and BOLLOCKS TO THE TRANSPORT MINISTRY OR CUNTING AGENCY WHOEVER THEY FUCKING CALL THEMSELVES.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

What, again?

It's Max Migraine !

Drunken Git !

J.P.2 "Honks up" on the Papal throne after a 16 hour boozing session in O' Rafferty's bar in Rome. He was later taken to hospital to have his stomach pumped.