Saturday, December 30, 2006


click for bigger


Here we have....

a picture of a worm jumping off of a rug and crawling through the right hand lane of a tunnel.

Vice in The Catholic Church!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Vatican Vacation 1

The Vatican vacation 2.



Ronnie "Gaygan"

Pope John Paul 2nd news.


The Vaticans going down the Streatham High Street with a state of the art mobile phone!

Drug cropping.

J.P.2 Reaps his "harvest", an estimated 2,000 joints were rolled out of this "stash!"

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Papal perv'

The Papal yob.


If the owner of this nipple doesn't give Pope Bendydick a "blow job" by 6 o'clock tonight, more of the picture will be revealed. This could lead to a happy 10 year marriage ending in a very messy divorce.

The Pope reveals his sexual problems.

The Blairs marital problems.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Childrens T.V.huh?

Yo ho me hearties, I'm off to sea with me loyal crew which includes "MASTER BATES, SEAMAN STAINES and ROGER THE CABIN BOY!"

Monday, November 13, 2006

Rumbled again !

Whilst lecturing on morality in modern life last month, one of J.P.2's groupies pops up unexpectedly from the stage in San Francisco. The Vaticans look on approvingly.

Porno Pope.

The Pope and Cardinal Dicky Feeler watch a Mary Millington film int he cinema at the Vatican.

Relaxation in the Vatican.

After a hard days praying what better way to relax than by taking a nice hot bath with one of the Papettes, (The Popes backing singers.)

The 2001 Grammy's.

At the 2001 Grammy awards, John Paul 2 with fellow Vaticans Dicky Feeler and Cardinal Shagmore bursts into a rousing rendition of "My way."

The Carnal Cardinal.

He's at it again !

Caught again !

Home wrecker !

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Parking warden

I reversed my car into a disabled bay yesterday and a parking warden shouted out to me, "Oi mate, whats your disability?" I said "Tourrettes you cunt, now fuck off!"

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Pope has a typical Friday night out in Dagenham.

I had this bloke fuckin' came up to me and said " Fuck off cunt." and I said, "Nah you fuck off cunt." and then this woman walked up to us both and said, "YOU FUCKIN' PAIR OF STUPID CUNTS!" Well, I was fucking gob smacked weren't I? So anyhow, this bloke said "Who you calling a stupid pair of cunts you old whore?"
And she replied, "Why you, you fucking thick cunt and him who's wrapped up in a fuckin' sheet, you pair of cunts!"
Well, the next thing I noticed was this fuckin' "copper" coming along and said, "'Ello 'ello 'ello what are you three cunts up to? Causing a fuckin' disturbance eh you fucking cunts?" With that I said, "Don't you call me a cunt you cunt." And the copper replied, "I'll fuckin' arrest you for talking to me like that you fuckin' cunt." The other bloke said, "You can't arrest him for that you cunt." and the copper replied, "YOU CUNT,YOU'RE FUCKIN' NICKED AS WELL." The woman retorted by saying "YOU FUCKIN' CUNT, LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The copper yelled back, "Who you calling a cunt you fuckin' cock sucking slag, FUCK OFF before I nick you as well." So I chimed in with "O.K. you load of cunts calm down and lets sort this out like mature cunts." Well, the copper went fuckin' apeshit by saying, "NOW YOU'RE CALLING ME AN OLD CUNT YOU CUNT, FUCK OFF YOU FUCKIN' CUNT." and he kneed me in the bollocks the cunt. So the other bloke said, "Oy you fuckin' cunt copper,say sorry." The copper replied "What to that cunt you cunt, what do you think I am, some kind of cunt or something?" Well, the woman said, " Typical of the fuckin' old bill, they're all miserable ignorant fuckin' cunts." With that, these yobbo's came along and one of them fuckin' farted, I tell you, some people have no fuckin' manners do they?"

Thursday, September 21, 2006